I am a doctorate candidate and research assistant at Tübingen University. The focus of my research lies on the transition between the Middle and Upper Paleolithic, especially the Châtelperronian technocomplex.
During my studies, I had the opportunity to contribute my drawings to a variety of exciting projects; excavation campaigns in Burgundy, where starting from the Middle Palaeolithic all epochs of the Palaeolithic are represented; the annual excavations in Sibudu (South Africa); Mesolithic artifacts from East Germany; or bifacial pieces from the ancient Palaeolithic of Morocco.
The focus of my research has always been on lithic artifacts, which is why I am able to classify and represent them typologically and technologically. Due to the large number of different regions for which I was already allowed to work, I am also familiar with various types of raw materials.
Publications can be found on Academia and ResearchGate.